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Thrive life, y'all.

So, after the last post (sort of during it, really) I started to break out in hives.  Like, all over my body, red, raised, stinging hives.  Spreading, changing formation, travelling fun.  I ended up in A&E for a hefty dose of steroids and antihistamines and was told it was stress.  Go figure.  So, I had to stop the boot camp and the running, and have been trying to take it easier, get more sleep, drink more water, etc. to destress and get my body back to normal.  I was completely gutted, I thought that I was finally on my way to being more active, healthier, perhaps even thinner... meh.

Anyway, a friend in the states has been posting about this stuff she's been using for almost a month.  She's lost over a stone, has loads of energy and feels generally fabulous.  Honestly, I didn't put much credence to it, I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to "miracle pills".  Ketones, green coffee, whatever the heck else is out there, it all sounds too good to be true (which means it usually is).  That said, she's a friend not a random online review, so I asked her to send a sample in the next package from my sister.  In the meantime I hit the internet hard, looking for info about the system, looking for negative reviews, looking for scientific info debunking or supporting the claims made.  I took the ingredients list to my doctor to ask if it was safe to try while breastfeeding.  I was really surprised at what I found... negative reviews are difficult to find, everything's safe, green flag all the way.

The first morning of the three day trial, I woke up and took the pills on an empty stomach as instructed.  Half an hour later I drank the shake (not my thing, really, but it doesn't taste bad) and stuck on the nutrition patch.  Before I even made the shake I was feeling something, almost like I'd already had a coffee.  Afterwards... I could have run ten miles.  *lol*  I drank loads of water that day, again as instructed, and it seemed like every time I drank more water it re-upped the effects of the pills and patch.  I wasn't grumpy with my kids, I wasn't yawning my head off, dragging and craving coffee or cigarettes, I just felt good!

Day two was even better as I woke up with a monthly visitor that I hadn't had a single warning sign was coming... no pre-cramps, no grump, no bloat.  Unheard of, especially as they've been getting worse every month.  That night had been singularly awful as well, I'd been up with Dude from midnight to 4am, and after I'd followed the morning routine I felt totally fine.  Like, normal, fine.  Craziness.  Still no cramps, still no generically grumpy moods due to monthly visitor.  I worked in the garden and garage, roped Himself in to help move the trampoline to the newly cleared area earmarked for bouncing, played with the kids, it was great.

Here I am at day three, after another pretty bad night with Dude, and I'm still good.  Great, actually.  I'm finding that having something as a physical reminder of the changes I'm making (the DFT patch) reminds me to drink water, and thus far it's making me more mindful of what I'm putting in my face.  I'm still not exhausted from lack of sleep, I'm not bouncing off the walls like I was the first day, but I'd had a pretty full night's sleep before that.  I still don't have any cramps, and I've worked more in the garden, planting flowers and trimming the forsythia.  We took a walk with the kids this morning, and despite awful attitudes I haven't wanted to knock heads together.  It's amazing.  I've just come home from a committee meeting, it's at least an hour past my bedtime and I'm not crosseyed from fatigue.  *lol*

So, since I'm apparently going to be the crazy Thrive lady, I've signed up to "promote" it.  I'll have samples for anybody that wants a tester, and if you're stateside I can arrange to have samples make their way to you.  If you want to order, I have a link to use.  However, if you don't, that's even better, because that means I can take it all myself.  *grin*  Here's to a less grumpy Gabs.


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