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Life as we know it.

It's been a crazy couple of months. We found out that New Kid has junk, which Himself is very smug about. I got food poisoning for the second time this pregnancy on Easter Sunday, which lasted for a week instead of the usual few days. That's the fun of my body protecting New Kid instead of focusing on healing itself. By the end (after a night in the ER on IV fluids and anti-nausea meds) I wished he could have gotten a slight case just so he'd feel too bad to keep trying to kick his way out from the inside. Bratface spent that week hanging out with her Nannie (Himself's mum was here for the week, coincidentally) and then spent the next two weeks getting re-accustomed to rules and the world not always revolving around herself. She didn't appreciate the lesson.

Himself turned 33 this week. We didn't do presents for him, the man wants for nothing save sleep (and short of resorting to Benadryl, Madam isn't helping with matters), so we made him a cake. I say "we", I made him a cake, and Herself helped by eating bits of unused marshmallow and scraps of icing. In case you're wondering what a birthday cake for a 33 year old man looks like, see below.

Madam was very angry that I wouldn't let her put her face into the cake before Himself came home, and then I added insult to injury by forcing her to eat dinner before she had a piece. It all worked out in the end, she was finally allowed to eat the face off a minion and was thus appeased.

We went to Toddler World on Friday to let Madam have a real run around (in the hopes that it would knacker her enough to force a good nap, which it did) and the following scenario unfolded. We walked downstairs to see that not only was the normal full sized bouncy castle in evidence, along with all the ride on toys and soft play bits, there was a huge new bouncy obstacle course complete with inflated slide. See below.

With all this glory to choose from, what did my daughter play with? See below.

Yup. Huge gym full of crazy toys, and my kid plays with the toy kitchen. For ages. That afternoon I finally bit the bullet and went to Ikea to get the toy kitchen she'd played with at a friend's house for her. She's suitably grateful, and spends a significant portion of each day opening and closing the doors and turning the burner lights on and off. Between that and her bag lady shopping trolley full of dolls and detritus, she's pretty set.

Himself is crazy busy at work, but he seems to thrive on running about like a madman so we're allowing it. For now. I've caved and hired a cleaner to help get the house in decent shape before New Kid escapes my uterine Gulag, and she's magic. Having her do the normal maintenance frees me up to get on with spring cleaning, and so far I've washed wardrobes and windows, cleaned out and rearranged cupboards, gotten rid of out of date goods and unused kitchen bits, and started repainting the living room. New Kid never stops moving. Never. I'm assuming that means he's healthy and am attempting to ignore him to maintain my sanity. So all told, we're doing okay. Hope it's the same on your end, and that I manage to post again before The Dude is born.


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