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Aggression in a decidedly non passive sense.

I've had a funny sort of day.

Madam woke at quarter to six as per her usual these days, so she had a shower with Himself and we proceeded about our morning business. We decided to revisit a music playgroup we tried last week with a friend (which was met with a resounding positive result) and hopped in the car. Normal careful driving procedure ensued, and when we got to the end of our road we got trapped behind a singularly special person that had obviously decided stopping to chat with a friend on the pavement was more important than making sure the cars behind them could get through. As I waited, patiently I might add, to have room to continue our journey, all of a sudden I heard a loud bang on the back of the car. For a split second I thought in a panicky jumbled way "have I hit something?!" only to remember that I was sitting still. I looked behind me to see a mother and her three children crossing the road behind the car, and realised that her eldest son (maybe eight years old) had punched the side of the car. PUNCHED MY CAR.

I didn't even think, I rolled down the passenger side window and called "excuse me???" The mother stopped, so I informed her that her son had just hit our car. She looked confused, so I repeated myself and pointed out which son had done the dirty deed. She looked at him, and at this point he volunteered his excuse for his behaviour. "I didn't see you."


Sorry, you didn't see my car?? You didn't see my car, and that's why you punched it? Right. That makes total sense.

The mother apologised, and from the look on his face as I drove off he received a thorough telling off, but my morning was decidedly skewed from this weirdly violent encounter with a total stranger's mutant offspring.

So instead of shakily trying to put the day back on track, I have instead dealt with all the unpleasant business that's been waiting for me on my list. *grin* I called the NCT to inform them that I will take official ownership of the baby group that I've been "temporarily" running for a year now, but that I want the discounted NCT membership applied retroactively due to their lack of competence in finding a permanent replacement. I responded to Kwik Fit's insanely insulting response to my complaint about their local service centre having failed our car's MOT in order to coerce us into paying for unnecessary works to the car. I also reported them to VOSA and to Trading Standards. In other words, I took the unrequested aggression thrown at me this morning and passed it on to the people that deserved it. *lol* I kicked butt and took names, and managed a 45 minute nap with Herself halfway through.

Don't mess with me, punk. I'm not afraid to write a sternly worded email.


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