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I'm ba-aaack.

Yeah, it's been a while. I'm trying to raise a tiny human, my hands have been a bit full. Literally.

The She-Beast has two teeth. She bites me sometimes. It hurts, but not as badly as it hurts me to smack her. It's painful to see the shocked look on her face when I pop her sweet little mouth (full of razor sharp piranha teeth) and the tears well up in her eyes like I've told her she can never have chocolate again. At the same time, one of these days it's going to be a baby at one of our groups that she bites. Not cool. Hence the discipline, although at this rate I'm going to have to resort to a muzzle as she doesn't seem to be learning her lesson... more than once, she's laughed at me when I smacked her. *sigh* Turns out we're actually related.

We've just come back from Texas, where we spent a week offending the locals and exposing Madam to her grandmother's loving attentions. We arrived in London spoiled (Madam) and exhausted (both of us), only to be met at the airport by Himself bearing a gift for the bratface (one of those rubber Sophie giraffe toys that squeaks whenever you look at it too hard). I came home to a clean house with newly installed baby gates and flowers on the mantel... impressed? *grin* He'd also been to the grocery store to get basics so I wouldn't have to go to the store my first day home. Awesome.

The catering thing is going fairly well, I've booked a first birthday party for 40+ people on Monday. Gotta love word of mouth, a friend from one of our baby groups mentioned me to someone she knows from other groups, and the eventual trail led to a booking. I'm making the cake, various nibbles including homemade crackers, and a vegetable lasagne for which I made homemade mozzarella and ricotta cheese today. Just call me Suzy Homemaker. *grin* I have to admit, there's something extremely satisfying about watching milk turn into cheese. I'll definitely be repeating the process.

Our five year wedding anniversary is this Saturday. I'm still having a hard time believing we've been married for five years... *lol* I found Himself something suitably bizarre in Camden, but I got an early gift on Sunday. He came back from having taken madam for a walk while I worked on the menu for this party I'm catering (she would NOT leave me alone, even though Himself was in the floor to play with her... she's like a cat sitting on the newspaper you're trying to read) and asked me if I had to do any cooking during the week or if I would do it all at the weekend. I said that I had to do some of the prep during the week to get it all done in time, at which he disappeared upstairs. When he came back down, he stayed on the stairs long enough to announce that I was getting an early anniversary present, and when he came around the corner he was holding this:

That's right. A Magimix. The most amazing of all the food processors. And it's red. And yes, you read right, it's the XL. The largest one you can get before you're into commercial territory. It's AMAZING. I can finally make proper hummus, and all those veggie dishes that call for blended cashews, and I can make peanut butter, or almond butter, or tahini, or bread, or pastries, or smoothies, or... I have begun to hyperventilate. *lol* This most amazing gift after he put the kibosh on any further kitchen toys. What a guy! *smug* I have installed it snugly next to my other most wonderful kitchen toy, the Kitchenaid my suikertante gifted me last year. I am building a VERY impressive kitchen here.

So yeah, life is good. How about you?


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