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I don't brag that often about Himself. It only gives him a big head. *grin* KIDDING... mostly. But today, let the bragging commence.

Today began as usual, I made toast and tea and brought it upstairs for a light breakfast in bed while we read and messed with various felines as they appeared. I had a chiropractor appointment at eleven, so we had showers and Himself walked me up to see what I'm subjected to once a week (will get more into that in a later post). We stopped for a couple of sandwiches (and he bought a sausage roll which he proceeded to inhale before we made it home) and came back to the house for lunch. We were just sitting around, me reading Girl of the Limberlost and him watching football highlights on tv, when out he came with "I want to take you somewhere."

Hmmm... okay.

"Don't worry, we're not walking anywhere."

So we're taking the car. Curiouser and curiouser.

So off we toodled in the Focus to this unknown destination. We headed down the Oxford Road, and not ten minutes later he turned into the car park for the local nursery. Where he'd taken me to buy an apple tree for our anniversary. *sniffle* I managed not to cry (well done me) and we had a little wander around in the fruit tree section looking at varieties. When we buy apples, it's normally braeburn or cox, so when we happened upon the solitary specimen of sunset variety we snapped it up (apparently it's similar in taste to cox but less susceptible to disease). Watching himself stuff it in the boot of the car was definitely an experience, but nothing compared to watching him hack a hole out of the rock hard soil with a pitchfork and a hand trowel... we MIGHT need to invest in a shovel. Or a pickaxe.

Anyway, it's planted at the foot of the garden, one tiny apple clinging to a lower branch. I, of course, took pictures (blame The Mimi, she got to me early in life) and will post some here for your perusal/amusement.

Looks good, hey? It's the first permanent thing we've done to this house, and planting a tree somehow makes it really feel like home. Can't wait for that first crop of apples! JB will have homemade apple sauce and pies aplenty, lucky little girl. Anyway, I'm sure you'll all join me in raising an imaginary glass to Himself's grand romantic gesture. *clink*


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