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Clean curtains and vegetable soup.

I've been pretty industrious since my return to the UK. I mean, yeah, I've spent an inordinate amount of time watching Gilmore Girls and napping with the cats (who are loving it, by the way), but I've also made two batches of soup, done laundry, run errands, and taken down the curtains to wash out the fifteen tons of cat hair that accumulated in the two months I was gone. Because yes, I washed them right before I went to Texas.

People are always inordinately impressed that I make soup from scratch, which I never fail to find a little crazy. It's just so easy! Plus, this way I control the amount of sodium I'm putting into my body. I never used to give a toss about sodium, it's funny what being pregnant does to your interest in food... *lol* So, I thought I'd post exactly what I did to this batch of soup in the hopes that one of you out there will give it a go and be converted.

For this batch, I went to the veg stall and bought just about everything they had, and below is what actually made it in:

Three carrots, chopped
Two red onions, diced
Half a small white cabbage, chopped
One can of kidney beans in water, rinsed
One small can of sweetcorn, rinsed
One large courgette/zucchini, chopped
One large handful of new potatoes (skin left on), chopped
Three stalks of celery, de-stringed and chopped
One punnet of cherry tomatoes, quartered
One green bell pepper, diced
Boiling water to cover
Two tablespoons of vegetable stock powder/bouillon

Heat a glug of olive oil in the bottom of a large lidded saucepan, and toss everything in. Sautee for about fifteen or twenty minutes, until it smells gorgeous, then pour over the boiling water and add the stock powder/bouillon and cover with the lid. Bring back to the boil, then reduce to a simmer for about half an hour. Eat like a pig.

Super easy, very healthy, and if you fancied it you could add chicken or pasta or rice. Go make soup!


  1. I am not inordinately impressed by the soup making, but the curtain washing?! That is another level of housewifing!

  2. Jessica, believe me when I say that if we didn't have two cats who guard the house (growling, no less) from the front window, the curtains wouldn't need washing nearly as often. *grin*


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