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Fabulous Friday Frivolity.

And here we are at another FFF post. This week, I am actually going to stick to my own rules and do it proper-like. Here we go.

1. I had a very (very) satisfying shopping spree on this week. I know, completely irresponsible and frivolous (and female), but if it means I get wooden shoes I just don't care. *grin* That's right, friends, I am now the proud owner of the first pair of clogs I've owned since I was a teenager. They are clompishness at its best, and I love them.

2. I've got family coming to stay! I haven't seen my (ridiculously removed to the -nth degree) cousin in I honestly couldn't say how long. She and her husband took a trip to Africa and then are meandering back to the States via a slightly circuitous route through England, hence will be staying in the Gabs house for two nights starting Monday. I like having family around, even of the wildly removed variety, and it doesn't happen often. So, yay!

3. I've been swimming every day this week, and plan to go tonight after work as well. I can already tell a difference in my body, which is great seeing as how that's the only reason I've joined the gym, and swimming doesn't even really feel like exercise. The other nice part is that I've decided not to set myself unachievable goals (because then I have to feel crap when I can't meet them) and have set about simply swimming until I'm tired. I paddle along happily until my arms get tired, then hold onto the bar at the front and kick until my legs get tired, and so on and so forth until I feel I've had some exercise. It's totally no pressure, very relaxing, and puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day. I see no downside.

(And yes, I know the picture is erroneous at best, I just like it. So there. *thbthhh*)

4. I came to work yesterday with the plan to have a quiet dinner and bottle of wine with a girlfriend in the office. That turned into a quiet dinner and bottle of wine with the girlfriend and one of our guy friends in the office as he complained we go out without him too often. That turned into a drink at a quiet pub with the two of them. Then, of course, four other guys we work with turned up, with their expense accounts to hand, and it all got a bit blurry after that. There was a drunken stumble to Paddington Station around one in the morning, there was the wild dash by one of our party to catch a cab to Soho as he wanted to go clubbing and wasn't going to let the fact that nobody wanted to join him stop him from achieving his goal, there was chaos and laughter and fun. I'd forgotten what fun felt like, and it was exactly what I needed to set me up for a relaxing weekend. We won't talk about the McDonald's breakfast my weakened state drove me to this morning...

See the almost holy glow caressing its floury buns and cheesy insides? That's about how it looked to me this morning. *sigh* Glorious.

5. Last but not least, I've been offered a permanent job at Heathrow Express, which I think I'll take. I'm currently working what was meant to be a three month temporary assignment in the Commercial department, and things are working out fairly well, so we've decided to begin making the arrangement a lasting one. I haven't had a job like this before... normally PA roles are boring, tedious, "dragon at the gate" sort of jobs, like a glorified tea lady. Here, I can get involved in projects like the office move of last Friday or the magnetic wallpaper I'm ordering in place of corkboards, and I'm currently researching furniture options for the new meeting space on our floor. I'm going to clear out cupboards and rearrange the postroom. I am a happy bunny. *grin*

So, all in all, not a bad week. Hope yours was equally as inoffensive.


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