I'm fighting my own nature at the moment.
Everything in me wants to be at home, sewing and being crafty. Everything I need to do is here in the office. *sigh*
I have a mental image of myself in the future. I envision, in a slightly misty out of focus way, a bright house with small people, hand baked bread with homemade jam, parties in the garden with bunting and home cooked goodies, vintage finds lovingly restored to their rightful places in the universe...

Unfortunately, this couldn't be much further from real life. *lol* Bleary trip to the shower, hop on the motorbike to fight traffic through Holland Park, much talking and not many actions with people unused to being chivvied along, hop back on the motorbike to fight traffic through Notting Hill, collapse on the couch to watch a few hours of tv with Himself and the mogs, fall into bed. Only to do it all again the next day. *grin*
We're viewing more houses at the weekend, this time in Chelmsford. There are a few promising possibilities in which I could see my blurry future come to life, and until then I'll simply content myself with sewing intricately handmade pretties whilst firmly ensconced within the loving walls of our 'appy 'ome in 'ammersmith. x
Everything in me wants to be at home, sewing and being crafty. Everything I need to do is here in the office. *sigh*
I have a mental image of myself in the future. I envision, in a slightly misty out of focus way, a bright house with small people, hand baked bread with homemade jam, parties in the garden with bunting and home cooked goodies, vintage finds lovingly restored to their rightful places in the universe...
Unfortunately, this couldn't be much further from real life. *lol* Bleary trip to the shower, hop on the motorbike to fight traffic through Holland Park, much talking and not many actions with people unused to being chivvied along, hop back on the motorbike to fight traffic through Notting Hill, collapse on the couch to watch a few hours of tv with Himself and the mogs, fall into bed. Only to do it all again the next day. *grin*
We're viewing more houses at the weekend, this time in Chelmsford. There are a few promising possibilities in which I could see my blurry future come to life, and until then I'll simply content myself with sewing intricately handmade pretties whilst firmly ensconced within the loving walls of our 'appy 'ome in 'ammersmith. x
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