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Bleak times, but sunny weather ahead.

I've gone three weeks without work. Obviously, it's a temporary situation arising from my last employers cutting my notice period short, and my new job starts in a week, but it's been very strange. I've had fits and spurts of manic activity, dismantling and bleaching the washing machine or going on my hands and knees to use the cat hair attachment on the hoover to do the whole house. These have been interspersed with hours of lying on the couch, watching crap telly and trying not to cry. Depressing, eh? *lol*

I think part of it has to do with the fact that my last employers are telling all and sundry that I slandered them while I was still in their employ, and have lost me a lot of one-off work in the process. To stop them, I'd have to sue them, and having just dodged one court proceeding I'm not so eager to rush headlong into another. I find it ironic to say the least that they've slandered me so eagerly while claiming I've done the same to them and yet they see nothing wrong with this picture. I think it's fairly hysterical that anyone could believe anything they're saying due to the fact that being a nanny relies heavily on word of mouth references and I like to think I'm more intelligent than to shoot myself in the professional foot so thoroughly as to have said horrible things about any family I worked for to their friends.

I know, there's nothing I can do about it and the best thing to do would be to put it out of my mind entirely. Easier said than done. It's always stuck in my craw when people have incorrect opinions about me and what I'm about, and having had people tell whoppers about me in the past it's not exactly the first time I've had to deal with it. It just never gets any easier. It's great that I'm going to finally get paid what I'm due and won't have to go to court to get it. It just sucks that now they'll be telling all their friends that I extorted money from them, because that's exactly what they'll be saying.

That said, Himself has been absolutely fabulous during the whole process. He's been supportive and helpful and patient, and I couldn't ask for a better partner in life. And as I have two days worth of work this week and start properly next week, there's light at the end of the tunnel for my psyche. Bring on the sunny weather.


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