So, I've done a full week at my new job, hence the lack of recent posts. I'm exhausted! I'd honestly forgotten what normal little boys are like, what with the truly bizarre ones at the last job and my last long term nanny role being with two little girls. These two are constantly in motion, always kicking things and each other, and descend upon any available food like a horde of locusts (including climbing the cabinets and counters to reach it). I'm working at a deficit of energy, but I'm sure I'll catch up soon enough. Rule changes are hard (see previously mentioned house-scaling activities and kicking habits) and they're having trouble accepting the new regime as any boys would, but I have faith that we'll get there. See that, world? No matter how hard you try to beat it out of me, I still have hope. Thbthhh. Part of this hope springs from the fact that my new employers are unlike any I've ever had. They had the professional part of the ar...